Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Unsung Heroes Art Project

Victoria Leigh Soto 

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Picture 1: In Memory of Victoria Soto 
Victoria Leigh "Vicki" Soto (November 4, 1985 – December 14, 2012) was an American teacher who was murdered in the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. After the gunman entered the school, Soto hid her students, then died trying to protect them, and has since been hailed as a hero. She is a posthumous recipient of the Presidential Citizens Medal.
Image from: http://www.stratfordstar.com
Picture 2: In Memory of Victoria Soto 2

On December 14, 2012, Soto was teaching her first grade class at Sandy Hook Elementary School when Adam Lanza forced his way into the school and began to shoot staff and students. After killing fifteen students and two teachers in the first classroom, Lanza entered Soto's classroom. Soto had hidden several children in a closet, and when Lanza entered her classroom, she told him that the children were in the school gym. When several children ran from their hiding places, Lanza began shooting the students. Soto was shot after she "threw herself in front of her first grade students."A photograph of Soto's sister awaiting news of her sister on her cell phone was taken by Associated Press photographer Jessica Hill and widely reproduced across the globe. Some news outlet labeled the photograph "iconic" and said that it has come to symbolize the tragedy.

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Picture 3: Victoria Soto before her Death
In December 2012, Eastern Connecticut State University announced the creation of the Victoria Leigh Soto Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund, awarded to students who aspire to become teachers. In December 2012, residents started a petition to rename North Parade in Stratford, Connecticut, to "Victoria Soto Way." On December 17, 2012, the Stratford High School Class of 2003 established the "Victoria L. Soto Memorial Fund" in her honor. The fund will use the donations made to help pay for the funeral services and for the creation of a memorial at Stratford High School and a scholarship fund in the name of Soto, a former classmate who belonged to the Class of 2003.

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Picture 4: Victoria went to Eastern Connecticut State University
On January 14, 2013, the mayor of Stratford        proposed the naming of a local school as the Victoria Soto Elementary School, with construction starting in 2013. The mayor's proposal was unanimously approved by the Stratford Town Council. The mayor also stated that a fund will be set up to accept donations from those who want to contribute to a memorial, which may include a statue of Soto.

I chose Victoria Leigh Soto because she what she had to. She loved those children as if they were her own and she knew she had to save them. She commited such a brave act and saved a classroom full of children even though it cost her life. I would to the same. I would save children like she did because they don't deserve to die at such a young age.


Victoria Leigh Soto - Wikipedia

Photo Credits:

Picture 1 : In Memory of Victoria Soto
Picture 2 : In Memory of Victoria Soto 2
Picture 3 : Victoria Soto before her Death
Picture 4 : Victoria went to Eastern Connecticut State University

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